How to insert csv data into postgreSQL

To specify the file in Postgres for the COPY command to copy the comma-separated data into the users table of the Postgres SQL, you need to use the FROM clause followed by the file path or the STDIN keyword.

If you want to copy data from a file, you can specify the file path in the FROM clause, like this:

First standard way

COPY users FROM '/path/to/data.csv' WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER ',', HEADER true);

In this example, we're copying data from the /path/to/data.csv file, which is a CSV file with a comma delimiter and a header row.

the "HEADER true" option specifies that the first row of the CSV file contains the column headers. If your CSV file does not contain headers, you should remove this option.

Second STDIN way

If you want to copy data from the standard input (stdin), you can use the STDIN keyword, like this:


In this example, we're copying data from the standard input (stdin) with the same format and delimiter options as before. You can then pipe data into the STDIN of the COPY command to insert data into the users table.

To pipe the data from CSV using psql (Method 1)

To pipe data into the STDIN of the COPY command, you can use the command-line shell or another program that can send data to the standard input stream of a process. Here is an example using the command-line shell:

cat data.csv | psql -d dbname -c "COPY users FROM STDIN WITH DELIMITER as ','"

In this example, data.csv is a comma-separated values file containing the data you want to insert into the users table. The cat command outputs the contents of the file to the standard output stream, which is then piped to the psql command. The -d option specifies the name of the database to connect to, and the -c option specifies the SQL command to execute. The COPY command reads data from the standard input stream, and the WITH DELIMITER as ',' option specifies the delimiter to use for parsing the data.

Note that you will need to have the necessary permissions to execute the COPY command and access the users table in the database.

To pipe data from CSV (Method 2)

Assume that you have a CSV file named users.csv with the following data:


Here's how you can use the COPY command to insert this data into a users table in PostgreSQL:

  1. First, create a users table in PostgreSQL with the appropriate columns:
  firstname TEXT,
  lastname TEXT,
  country TEXT,
  username TEXT,
  password TEXT,
  email TEXT
  1. Next, run the following command in the terminal to start the psql command-line interface and connect to your PostgreSQL database:
psql -U <username> -d <database_name>

Replace <username> and <database_name> with your PostgreSQL username and database name, respectively.

  1. Once you are connected to your PostgreSQL database, run the following command to start the COPY command:
COPY users FROM stdin WITH DELIMITER as ','
  1. After running the above command, you can start entering the data from your CSV file. Copy and paste the contents of the users.csv file into the terminal, making sure to separate each value with a comma (,) and to end each row with a newline (\n). The COPY command will continue to wait for more data until you signal the end of input by typing \.\n.

Here's an example of what you would copy and paste into the terminal:

  1. After pasting in the data and ending with \.\n, press Enter to execute the COPY command.

If everything goes well, the data from the users.csv file will be inserted into the users table in your PostgreSQL database. You can verify this by running a SELECT query on the users table:

SELECT * FROM users;

This should return the following output:

firstname | lastname | country | username |   password    |           email           
 Alice     | Smith    | US      | asmith   | password123   |
 Bob       | Jones    | UK      | bjones   | bob123        |
(2 rows)